Manage my booking
Manage a booking, request a special meal, select a seat, book an additional service, update personal details?
All this is possible thanks to the manage my booking flow!
Change or add your personal information:
- Change your date of birth and nationality;
- Change or add your Flying Blue number;
- Complete your personal contact information so that you can be reached if your trip changes;
- Update your valid passport number.
Complete your booking:
Add services to your booking:
- Add an extra baggage;
- Select a seat;
- Choose an a la carte menu;
- Book a hotel.
Change your booking:
To make changes, your ticket must be changeable with or without a fee (please refer to your ticket's fare conditions).
- Change your travel dates and classes;
- Changes apply to all passengers in your booking file;
- Please check if there are flights to your final destination on the new date selected;
- You will then receive a new electronic ticket.
Cancel your booking:
Need to cancel your booking due to unforeseen circumstances?
Please follow the below steps:
First, contact us to cancel your booking
Once your booking is cancelled you can then request a refund, please fill in the dedicated form here
Any request for cancellation and refund of a ticket purchased from a travel agency other than Aircalin office (or online) must be made directly with the travel agency concerned.
A la carte services
Our destinations


New Zealand






Wallis & Futuna

Los Angeles




Hong Kong